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Bear with Allergic and Accident


Sunday, 11 Jan 2015 went to Nottingham Walk In Centre at London Road. It's next to BBC office.

I woke up in the morning and found my face swollen badly.

This was happened after a week I used a different face lotion.

I collected nurse prescription to Medina pharmacy, it was a cream for the skin and a medicine to consume.

I could feel the cream really gave an effect, after applying I must bear with the heat on my face.

Recover for a week.


Saturday, 17 September 2016 went to Nottingham Walk In Centre.

I had an ice skate accident a night before.

It was a foam party, very crowded, there was a boy who could not stop sliding and hit me from behind. I fell hard.

The staff were really quick in response. After could not move for a while, they help me to stand and walk.

Pain killers for my back pain.

Recover for a week.


Eye infection

Tips bila infeksi mata adalah langsung ke Emergency Queen Medical Centre (QMC) bagian Eye Casualty supaya cepat dan tepat ditangani. Saya itu ke Boots Optician dulu beli tetes mata, setelah diperiksa opticiannya disarankan ke farmasi untuk beli tetes mata khusus infeksi. Tiga hari berlalu tidak mereda merahnya dan masih mengganggu, saya pergi ke Nottingham Walk In Centre yang tetap buka di Sabtu Minggu, mereka tidak ada alat seperti teleskop atau mikroskop untuk mata sehingga tidak yakin dan barulah disarankan ke QMC.

Untuk Cripps Health Centre di kampus tempat GP (dokter umum) kita perlu booking dahulu jadi tidak bisa sewaktu-waktu datang. Kapan sakitnya, kapan periksanya ^^. Di Nottingham ada dua klinik yang buka di weekend 8am to 8pm yaitu Nottingham Health Centre dan Walk In Centre. Nurses saja yang bekerja saat weekend di dua tempat ini. Tidak perlu booking dahulu, biasanya ramai maka siap-siap antri panjang bila datang siang. Suster di sini bisa menuliskan resep. Untuk mendapatkan obat maka perlu pergi ke farmasi yang dinaungi NHS, sayangnya tidak ada farmasi di Walk In Centre.


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